15th  Annual

Cy Pinter Open

Wrestling Tournament



When:    Saturday, November 12, 2005

Where:   Elyria High School, Vic Janowicz Drive (311 6th Street), Elyria, OH  44035


Weights and Divisions (Age as of day of tournament)


Div I         8 yrs. And under: 45-50-55-60-65-70-75-85-HVY (100 lbs. Max)

Div II      9-10 yrs. 50-55-60-65-70-75-80-85-90-95-100-110-120-HVY (140lbs. Max)

Div III     11-12 yrs. 60-65-70-75-80-85-90-95-100-105-110-120-130-140-150-HVY (175 lbs. Max)

Div IV     13-14 yrs. 75-80-85-90-95-100-105-110-115-125-135-145-155-165-175-HVY (215 lbs. Max)


Periods: Div I, II, III, IV       3- 1 1/2 minute periods


Awards: Trophies for top three placers.


Weigh-ins:  Thursday, November 10, 2005  6:00-8:00 PM at Elyria High School


Rules:    High School rules with double elimination. Over-time will be 1 minute sudden victory.


Time:      Divisions II and IV will begin at 9:00 am Saturday, Nov.12, 2005

                Divisions I and III will begin at 11:00 Saturday, Nov. 12, 2005

                A wrestler may compete in more than one division


Entry Fee:  $18.00 per entry – make checks payable to “Elyria High Friends of Wrestling”


TRAVELING TEAMS COACHES ONLY MAY CALL ABOUT WEIGH-INS and ENTERING BY FAX!  You must be traveling at least 30 miles in order to fax weights . Please call before November 11th . Faxed weights may be challenged.




                                For more information, contact Erik Burnett  at 440-225-5793 or Art McHenry at 419-660-0052.  If no answer, leave message.  

Entry Form


In consideration of your acceptance of my entry, I agree to be legally bound for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release the Elyria Board of Education, Elyria High School, Elyria Booster Club, representatives, committee members from any and all claims of right to damages for injuries suffered by me directly or indirectly in traveling to, from, or competing in the Cy Pinter Open.




Name_____________________________________________  Phone_____________________________________


Address _________________________________________________City _______________ Zip ______________


Division ___________  Weight ___________  Age ______________ Birthdate _____________________________


Signature of Athlete ____________________________________________________________________________


**Signature of Parent or Guardian _________________________________________________________________


**NOTE:  A member of a junior high or high school wrestling squad, which is any student who has wrestled in a scrimmage or preview prior to the Cy Pinter Tournament, (this does not include practicing with your school team.) shall not participate in the Cy Pinter Open Wrestling Tournament.  Participation is in violation of OHSAA by-law 10-3-1, which could result in loss of OHSAA eligibility.