Freestyle/Greco Rules Questions:


Question #1:


This occurred twice at a state tournament.


20 seconds left in the match.  Red up 7 to 4 over blue.  Both wrestlers on their feet.


Blue gets a take down, score is now 7-5 in favor of red.  17 seconds left in match.  Blue has not turned red the whole match.  Blue does not attack red, stands up and backs away from red.  Red remains on mat in open presentation.  Red looks back to see what Blue is doing.  Mat official blows whistle.


What is the call?


1.         Inadvertent whistle, red is down par terre with blue on top.

2.         No points, both wrestlers on their feet, match continues.

3.         Blue is passive, reds choice.

4.         Blue is cautioned for 1 point, red's choice.

5.         Red is passive for not getting up and attacking blue.  Blue choice.

6.         Official states Blue Action, or Blue Contact.  Blue can be warned for passivity if he refuses to attack.



Answer #1:


The correct call is for the official to say "contact blue".   It is blues responsibility to stay on red until the referee blows his whistle.  If he gets off red and red remains on the mat, blue must go back on top. If he does not and red has not moved, whistle, restart, red down, blue on top.  Blue is warned about maintaining contact and staying on.

If blue gets off red and red goes to his feet, wrestling continues.  This is the correct interpretation.

rick tucci