Dayton Reardan’s Life Creed


Honesty:       Honesty will be the guiding principle in my life.  I will always be truthful in my dealings with everyone.  I will not lie, cheat, steal, or dissemble nor tell part or half truths in all of my dealings with all people with whom I come in contact.  My parents, John Birkhead Reardan and Nancy Elizabeth Briggs, and my maternal grandfather, Mead Grecean Briggs, impressed upon me the importance of always telling the truth.  I cannot tell a lie since it is ingrained in my psyche.


Respect:       I will respect all people whether they are janitors, garbage men, CEOs or the US President.  I will not treat anyone any differently than I would like to be treated.


Love:            I will love my family.  I will love without condition or requirement or reciprocation.  I will teach, but not impose my will.  I will encourage them all to make the best of themselves and their lives.  I will lead by example.  I will try not to be overly indulgent.  I will honor and cherish my wife.  I will remain true to her as long as we are married, both in spirit and in body.  I will try to make her life interesting, fun, enjoyable, entertaining and happy.  I will thank her.  I will love her.


Work:             I will love what I do and do what I love.  I will work hard to be the best at whatever it is I am doing.  I will always endeavor to do my best, no matter what the project, or circumstances.  I will maintain a high level of work product.  I will strive to give good value for my services.


Engage:        I will try to be engaged in all that I do and with anyone with whom I am speaking.  I will do my best not to be distracted when interacting with any person.  I will focus on the interaction.


Generosity:   I will be generous with my time, particularly with my direct family.  I will be generous with charities to the best of my time and financial resources.


Goals:          I will set goals in life and I will work to achieve them.  I will set goals at work and will ensure that they get achieved.  I will set challenging, but not unrealistic goals for myself.  I will not be overly disappointed should I fail to reach a goal, but will take corrective action to ensure it can be met next time.


Money:         I will endeavor to make as much money as possible, yet will not sacrifice any of the above to make more money.  I will strive for balance in my life with enough funds to enjoy life.  I will save at least 10% of everything that I earn if at all possible.  I will live within my means not spending more than I earn.  I will not spend money I do not yet have.  I will endeavor to be wise with my investments.  I will seek appropriate advice.


Listen:          I will listen.  I will listen to what others have to say and I will respect their opinions even should I disagree completely.  I will listen.  I will hear what others say.  I will be courteous.


Helping:        When asked, I will help others to the extent am able.  I will give time, money, effort.  I will help others without being asked.  I will contribute to my community.


Learning:      I will follow in my father’s footsteps by continuing to learn my entire life.  I will never stop learning or trying to learn.  I will enjoy and embrace the learning process.  When asked each day, will communicate something I have learned during that day.